When Apple updates it’s mobile operating system in the autumn of 2017 to iOS 11, owners of an iPhone 5 , iPhone 5C and iPad 4 will find they have been left behind in the update. This is a result of Apple’s policy to cease support of 32-bit Apps and devices. Since 2013, with the introduction of the Apple A7 processor, Apple’s mobile devices have been using 64-bit processors. The A7 processor was introduced on the iPhone 5S and then used in the iPad Air, iPad Mini 2 and iPad Mini 3. So all these devices will be able to update to iOS 11. But if your device has a 32-bit processor, essentially A6X and earlier processors, your device will effectively be consigned to history. This means your old device will remain forever stuck at iOS 10.3.2, with no new security updates. If you still have an iPhone 4 owner, you will know that it refuses to update beyond iOS 7.1.2. Owners of an iPhone 5, iPhone 5C and iPad 4 will have the same experience, although they will be stuck at iOS 10.3.2. ...